lunes, 2 de enero de 2012

Acústico en "Hoy empieza Todo" con Angel Carmona

El miércoles 21 de diciembre a las 10h 30 de la mañana Fix This sonaba en las ondas de radio 3 en directo y con su nuevo formato acústico. Fue una intensa mañana en la que se concentraron nervios e ilusión, Cherokee (guitarra), Serch (batería) y Javi Geras (Bajo) dieron la base sobre la que Jhaviman (Trombón), Elena Iturrieta (coros) y Loralí (voz) cantaron y armonizaron sus melodías. En esta congregación de música en directo y radio no podía faltar el gran archivista de momentos musicales madrileños: el fotógrafo y realizador Jaime Massieu.
Aquí dejamos dos de los temas y
El Podcast 

Letra de "At a song relieving my heart"

I’ve been walking all over the city                                                                   
I’ve been searching for you                                                                              
I’ve been running around in circles                                                                  
I’m so tired of these worn out shoes                                                              

Oaa! I’ve been saved at last                                                                             
Some things had to stay in the past                                                                 
Now I’ve got some brand new shoes                                                              
they shine so well…..                                                                      

At Laaaaaaast, at laaaaaaaaaast
No more blisters,                                                                                             
It doesn’t have to feel discouraging                                                                 
Each footprint will make its way                                                                        
Don’t you feel discouraged                                                                               
At laaaaaast, At laaaaaaast!
I feel like Cinderella in her town,                                                                       
Your shoe fit my foot now,                                                                                 
Like the air suits my voice                                                                                 
It suits me So fine, ….......

Letra de "Ain't got no boss":

If you look at yourself
And analyze what you can do
to be helpful to someone, somehow

Take that quality, buried into you
And work it out, try it out, make it grow
Let it flow...

For all dreamers, makers, breathers, feelers...
Ain't got no boss!
No one to stop me now!.... No boss!, no god!

No one to catch my soul
To put in me the same old load
When I could naturally flow and play
You better let yourself go....

Ain't got no boss!
No one to stop me now!.... No boss!, no god!

Let me go to sleep, in a world where I can believe
That every step I take, can bring me where I may stay
Let me be me my way

For all dreamers, makers, breathers, feelers...
you can turn the night into the day
turn lead into gold

Ain't got no boss!
No one to stop me now!.... No boss!, no god!

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